Y482045R Board

For sale

Advert details

Advert ID: 84
Displayed: 233
Expires: 03-27-2025 21:05:00
Price: $ 780
Contact z_johnw@yahoo.com
Added 12-19-2023 22:10:26
Created by
John (59)
Vendor: Private seller
4.67 ( 1 votes )


GSM C Plus

Y482045R Pitney Bowes GSM C Plus Control Circuit Board

This Pitney Bowes GSM C Plus Control Circuit Board with model Y482045 is a great addition to your business equipment.

It has been thoroughly checked and refurbished by the manufacturers , ensuring that it is in perfect working condition.

All the boards are work bench tested for the parts replaced and then tested on a working machine for 5 days before being removed and packaged for resale.


Price represents most recent sales price.
Contact us for current price (Price is negotiable)

Price negotiable is a sales description of an item, product or service that has a price not firmly established.
A volume discount is an economic incentive to encourage individuals or businesses to purchase goods in multiple units or in large quantities.
Contact us for new lower price.
